Everyone Has the Right to Fly Their Flag

Veteran Flag Controversy IndianapolisA few weeks ago I saw a story on our local news. A Korean war veteran was under attack from his neighborhood association to remove a flag pole he had erected in his front yard. He was flying the American flag as well as a POW/MIA flag in honor of his brother that has yet to come back from the same war.

The next day I drove to this mans subdivision and found his home. It was not hard, it was the one with the flag pole. I went to shake his hand and thank him for his service. I got lucky as Bob and Judy Willits pulled into their driveway just after I had parked in the street.

The day was a successful day in the fact that I had the opportunity to meet the man and his wife, as well as give him a poster with the Flag frame.

Read the story here: Veteran not backing down after homeowners association says his flag pole must go.

One Response to Everyone Has the Right to Fly Their Flag

  1. Dave November 12, 2014 at 2:39 am #

    Thats really cool Mark !!!